Daniel is a senior German journalist, born in Munich into a Jewish Shoah survivor family. He came to the UK in 1991, initially to study at SOAS. He is the contractual Great Britain Correspondent of taz, die Tageszeitung, Germany’s left-of-centre, independent and 5th largest daily newspaper. He started his engagement with taz in 2012 and has been reporting since from London and other parts of Britain without break. He covered the entire period of the UK referendum on Brexit and its aftermaths and the Conservative-led years since 2010, He also has reported from other international locations, including Sierra Leone, Grenada, Jersey and Israel.

His reports from the regions in taz have become characteristic icons in their ability to allow local voices to come to the forefront. He also wrote reliably on Britain’s diverse communities, justice and environmental issues, racism and discrimination. The German Jewish Jüdische Allgemeine uses him regularly for over a decade. He also worked and volunteered in many positions regarding diversity and equality, civil rights and community representation.

Daniel already reported from London for DW-English radio as a freelancer in the early 2000s. The list of other publications he appeared in is long. He worked briefly also in technical roles for BBC Radio Four. He is currently awaiting the publication of a book about the persecution of his family in the Holocaust and its effects, for which he already found a publisher, and attracted independent funding support.

He graduated from SOAS in Politics of Africa and History of the Modern Third World, and holds two postgraduate master degrees, from Goldsmiths College (Contemporary Urban Studies) and Brunel University (Sports Coaching),

This site provides some background information and additional stories. For current articles see taz.de

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